There are two versions of our EVOCAR-2018 scales; the manually readable EVOCAR-2018 and the wireless version EVOCAR-2018R. Both these versions have in principal the same construction, the only... Read more...
With our EVOPLANE scales, max. capacity 30 000 kg/scale it is possible to weigh the big, commercial aircraft. EVOJET-scales are designed for weighing the smaller and ligher fighter/jet planes.... Read more...
EVOCARGO is multiple range scale for air cargo weighing We also custom-build scales for various different end-uses. Read more...
With the EVOCHARGE charging unit it is possible to charge up to 12 scales at the same time. Charging can be done either with 12V from the van’s system or with 110-240V A/C at the depot. Read more...
EVORAMPS are used together with our EVOCAR-scales. They make driving onto the scales easier. EVORAMPS can be piled up in pairs so they will not take much storage space. Read more...
Transport and storage rack for scales
For slippery surfaces (ice and snow).
The rubber and aluminum plates are needed (for load distribution) on the scale bridge to be able to weigh e.g. container or something else. Read more...
Charger for a single scale
Special Wi-Fi router for the wireless data transfer.